The value of the role that insurance plays in life has increased for many people. We can help you develop a well-constructed insurance plan, that will benefit your current financial situation and help reduce the chances of future financial challenges.

Insurance provides peace of mind, protection and opportunity.  We will work with you through an initial insurance-needs analysis to determine your insurance requirements. Then we will create a unique strategy to protect you and your family’s financial well-being.

  • Manage risk and protect your income Policies for managing risks to your financial plan like life, critical illness or disability are important when protecting your family from an unforeseen loss of income or from unplanned expenses.
  • Protect the value of your estate Insurance does more than protect you. It is also an opportunity to accumulate additional savings for retirement or to leave more of your wealth, tax-free, to the people or causes you care about.
  • Guaranteed income you can never outlive An important foundation of your retirement plan could be a life annuity that may provide a guaranteed foundation for your retirement income.
  • What is Whole Life Insurance?

    Permanent life insurance is meant to stay in place for your lifetime to cover permanent needs such as providing liquidity on death for your loved ones or covering a tax liability. This policy has an investment component that grows over time that can be accessed in a variety of ways. There are many options so it is critical to work with an advisor who can explain the difference between universal life and whole life and recommend a plan design with riders that deliver you the best coverage for your situation. (source What kind of insurance do you need by IG Wealth)

  • Should I apply for Term Life Insurance or Whole Life Insurance?

    Life insurance comes in two basic options: Term and Permanent. Both are great choices for protecting you and your family, but each one has different features: Term life insurance Lower-cost insurance that provides coverage for a set time period, and provides a tax-free payout to the beneficiary. The cost of the insurance goes up each time you renew, but you can convert the policy to permanent life insurance at any time. Permanent life insurance Variable cost insurance with payment options that differ depending on your preferences. Coverage is guaranteed for life, and you can also access the cash value of your life insurance policy by taking out a loan or withdrawing cash. Ask our team about things to keep in mind when exploring your insurance needs. (source Life | IG Wealth Management)

  • What is disability insurance?

    If you get ill or have an injury and cannot work, disability insurance will pay you a (usually) tax-free monthly amount designed to replace a considerable portion of your salary. Payments continue until you’re able to go back to work or until your coverage period ends (whichever comes first). There is a mandatory waiting period, after which time you’ll start receiving payments.

    Disability insurance can cover a wide range of disabilities that prevent you from working, including:

    • Injuries from an accident
    • Cancer
    • Depression and other mental health issues (such as anxiety)
    • Chronic pain (such as back pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis)
    • Cardiovascular conditions
    • Neurological disorders (like stroke and Parkinson’s)

    Source Disability insurance versus critical illness insurance: which do you need? | IG Wealth Management

  • What is critical illness insurance?

    If you’re diagnosed with a condition covered by your critical illness insurance, you’ll receive a one-time, tax-free lump sum, designed to help you cover the costs related to the illness (including loss of income, medical costs, in-home care, etc.).

    Critical illness insurance often includes dozens of potential illnesses, including:

    • Brain injury due to trauma
    • Aplastic anemia
    • Blindness
    • Various types of cancer
    • Deafness
    • Dementia/Alzheimer’s
    • Heart attack
    • Kidney failure
    • Organ transplant
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Parkinson’s disease
    • Stroke

    You can choose how long to have this kind of coverage, or you can have it for your whole life. You’ll typically be paid out after the survival period, the length of which will depend on the type of coverage you’ve bought. You’re paid out whether you continue to work or not.

    Source Disability insurance versus critical illness insurance: which do you need? | IG Wealth Management

  • What does comprehensive insurance cover?

    Protect yourself, your loved ones and your assets by getting the right coverage. The unexpected can often happen and it’s not always good. That’s why insurance exists: to protect you financially against the many things that can go awry. While you may not need as much insurance when you’re young, as the years pass and you end up with a growing family, insurance becomes a key strategy for making sure you, your loved ones and the assets you’ve built up are protected, no matter what. There are several different types of insurance you might need throughout your life; Ask our team what’s available and when you might need it. (source Has your insurance kept pace with your life stage? | IG Wealth Management)